
Updated Travel Expense Form

At the November 2017 meeting of Presbytery the decision was made to increase the remuneration for Travel Expenses from $0.20 to $0.30 per kilometer. 

Please find the updated Travel Expense From at the following link: Travel Expense Form – 2018

The form can also be found on the Documents page of the Presbytery website. 

Copies are also available from the Clerk and Treasurer of Presbytery. 

General Assembly Documents for Study

The November 2017 meeting of Presbytery will have two stated hours to discuss the Study Documents that have been referred. To download the file please right click and select ‘Save as’ or ‘Save Link’. Clicking on the link will open the document in a new browser window. 

The Church Doctrine Report includes:

  • Where from Here?
  • The Historic Argument Concerning Human Sexuality
  • What the Bible Teaches on Covenanted Monogamous Same Sex Relationship. 

Upcoming Meeting Dates

A reminder that the Presbytery of Lindsay-Peterborough will meet at the following times:

  • Sunday March 26 – 3pm St. Andrew’s Hastings, Celebration of Ministry 
  • Sunday April 2 – 3pm Old St. Andrew’s Colborne, Induction of Rev. Cheryl Horne
  • Tuesday April 18 – 9:30am St. Andrew’s Cobourg, regular meeting of Presbytery

Below are the minutes from the meeting held on Tuesday February 21, 2017.

Download (PDF, 1.17MB)

Regenerating Places of Faith

The City of Peterborough is excited to announce a one-day workshop on Regenerating Places of Faith, organized in collaboration with Regeneration Works: Places of Faith (a partnership of the National Trust for Canada and Faith & the Common Good).

Places of faith in south-central Ontario, like so many across the country, face decreasing financial and human resources that are putting beloved community landmarks at risk. It is an issue that affects entire communities, both urban and rural.

Participants in this workshop will hear inspirational stories from across Canada and from the Peterborough area, and will learn how to tackle key issues threatening places of faith through community engagement strategies, cost reduction techniques, innovative space sharing models and approaches to successfully re-use a former place of faith.

Join us from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday, February 25th, at Trinity United Church, 360 Reid Street, Peterborough. Registration fee of $35 includes refreshments and lunch.

Download (PDF, 1.63MB)

Faith Sharing Workshop at St. Stephen’s

On Saturday February 11, 2017 St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church will be hosting a Faith Sharing Workshop. Featuring J.P. Smit the Regional Minister for Congregational Health. 

Please bookmark this event and feel free to use the bulletin insert below to advertise it to your congregation. 

Event Details:

Faith Sharing Workshop

Saturday February 11, 2017
9 – 12:30
St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church
1140 St. Paul’s St, Peterborough

Download (PDF, 43KB)

A Treasurer Retires

At the November meeting of Presbytery, Treasurer Dennis Carpenter received a certificate from the moderator Rev. Dr. Terry Ingram. Dennis has served as the treasurer of the Lindsay-Peterborough Presbytery for 19 years. We give thanks to Dennis for his years of service and dedication.
